Thursday, December 22, 2011

coming soon from Paper + Plastick, Kill The Wonderhawks episode 4

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Train Sketching

On my train ride to work I've started doing quick pen sketches in a moleskine of other people on the train. Also Hellboy and Lobster Johnson. I'm trying to make this an every day thing for myself. I want to do everything I can to become a better artist and practice can only help. I also like the idea of drawing different faces and types of people because that is something I struggle with.

Monday, December 5, 2011

This bad mother f*cker here is a page from a webcomic I've been working on this past year called Kill The Wonderhawks. It follows a group of so-called "heroes" through a very odd world where they have a bounty on their heads. So they not only have to deal with a crazy assortment of assassins, but also have to deal with being the good guys. Which you'll find does'nt really come easy for them. It's not a book that's easily explained so you can just download it for FREE from the wonderful people at Paper+Plastick Records here

There are three issues out so far and the fourth is well on its way!

It's written by Dave Losso, drawn my myself and colored by Alex Rosado.


Here is a two page preview of a horror story that I finished about a week ago. It will be alongside stories from some other amazingly talented Chicago creators that I'm glad to call friends. Usually I try to steer away from indie anthologies (horrible of me to say, I know) but the quality is almost always low and I just can't get over looking at bad art. This book, however, is just phenomenal all around. I can't wait for this to be released. The details are still being worked out, but it should be available for free digitally soon and then in a limited print run that will be released at a special local release party. For details and more previews, check out the facebook page


[Blue Lead and Pentel Pocket Brush on 8 1/2 x 12 Bristol Board]